FCC Logistic Company 物流公司正处于旺季时期, 诚征热诚有上进心和对客户有耐心的办公室行政人员(必须要有合法的工作身分可报税)工作无须经验,可培训.一但面试通过,即可上班.基本要求须知;1)需报税,必须有合法工作身分2)需要至少能够说,写跟阅读2种以上的语言(英文和中文即可)公司住址目前在靠近 Compton/Downey ,CA如过面试,即可上班.如有兴趣, 请寄履历表到
tammyc@fcclax.comFCC LOGISTICS INCTel: 310-679-6688Requirement Details:1) Legal working status2) Bilingual Langual (Able to Speak ,Write and Read Egnlish and Chinese)1-2 years working experience preferred but We are also able to train if you are hired.If you are interested, Please send your resume and contact info to
tammyc@fcclax.comWe will contact you as soon as we receive and review your resume.RegardsFCC LOGISTICS INC18747 S LAUREL PARK RDCOMPTON, CA 90220-6002
tammyc@fcclax.comTel: 310-679-6688